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Stefano Signoroni & The MC Band – worldwide shows and events

“Stefano Signoroni & the MC – the show”

Il crooner e pianista italiano Stefano Signoroni propone una serata di grande divertimento tra canzoni ricercate e brani conosciutissimi.
Uno show ‘con lo smoking’, magnificamente cucito addosso a lui che ripercorre la musica dagli anni ’60 ad oggi e che vede in Signoroni un perfetto cerimoniere dal gusto vintage capace di far vivere al pubblico uno spettacolo nello spettacolo con carisma ed eleganza!
Ad accompagnarlo ‘the MC’, la super band capitanata da Flavio Scopaz.

The Italian crooner and pianist Stefano Signoroni performs a great show with well renown songs as well as refined pieces. An elegant show that perfectly suits the singer, whose performance ranges from swing to refined international pop, without forgetting the beautiful Italian melodies.
A captivating repertoire that recalls music from all times from the Sixties to today, where Signoroni, with his vintage touch, plays the perfect master of ceremonies. Thanks to his charm and innate elegance, the audience will have the greatest show experience.
With him on the stage the amazing “MC” band, directed by Flavio Scopaz.

ENJOY!!! … All gigs here:

Live Show recorded @Memo Restaurant Music Club – Milan, Italy
Audio recorded and mixed by Giordano Colombo
Video editing by Edoardo Compiani


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